Should I integrate a cookie banner?

Why do I need a cookie banner?

As soon as you use any type of third party tool for marketing or analytics purpose. These typically uses cookies to track users.

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Now it´s unlikely that you are not using any type of cookies. When you´re using analytics tools you need a cookie banner to inform your visitors of the use of cookies. When a visitor visits your Website for the first time you should inform your visitors about what type of cookies you are using and for what purpose you are using these cookies.

How a Cookie banner design should be

What is a cookie banner?

A cookie banner is a pop-up on your website that tells your visitors about your use of cookies.

Porperly you have seen a small banner in the bottom of a website that stated "We are using cookies, by continuing you accept."

But actually, a cookie banner isn’t to be considered just a notice about cookies. It’s to be considered a consent pop-up.

Third party cookies

What are third party cookies?

Third party cookies are being set by various player on a website. Let´s say you´re implementing a plugin that gives you extra functionality, like implementing a chat, Facebook Messenger for Websites, or other social media plugins that gives your user extra functionality on your Website. All of these plugins uses cookies to provide to your customers the functionality.

Facebook´s Messenger plugin e.g. uses cookies to know if your visitor is logged in on Facebook, to show your visitor a custom view of the messenger plugin, and to let the user be logged in right away when visiting your site.

The problem with that is when your are not using any type of cookie banner Facebook is collecting with no consents from the user data about your visitor. A cookie banner like ours prevents Facebook to collect any form of data until the user has giving consents to it.

GDPR & ePrivacy

In 2002 the European Commission passed the ePrivacy directive, concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy. In 2018 the European Commission passed the GDPR regulation which stated how websites needs to process and collection data from users.

Since 2018 with GDPR the regulation regarding processing data in the EU where tightened, wher you now need to collect specific the consent of users.

How can Intastellar Solutions help you?

We´ve developed a cookie banner that is comply with ePrivacy, GDPR and CCPA.

Our pop-ups are highly customizable, so that you can add your brand colors, add a logo, decied if you want a small pop-up that opens in the corner or if you want a full screen banner.

Integrated Google Consent Mode

With Google Consent Mode integrated you can collect data even whe users say no to cookies.

Learn more about our cookie banner